Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yes it's been 5 months more or less since the last blog post I made. The trip to Sagada, Banaue was okay and I passed my design 4 class. But now, I'm currently struggling to pass my design 5 class. I've sacrificed time, effort and health in this class, and I still don't know if I'm gonna pass or not. The sad part is that after all this hard work, I might have Carpals Tunnel Syndrome. It's a wrist injury obtained from stress using a mouse or keyboard. Right now I'm risking my right hand to pass a single architecture major class. I hope all this sacrifice will be worth it.

As for my Magic: The Gathering life. In our school there are still only a handful of decks that can beat my Blue-Black Faeries. Kudos to those decks and players that do so. As for, my other two tribal decks (Kihtkin and Rogues) they pull up their own weight and have their own share of victories. My current project is a Blue-Black Ninja deck for my friend, Johann. Currently still sorting out the cards but it's all good. I'll be trying to create a deck for the Mirrodin Besieged block, hope all goes well if ever.

I;m currently struggling to finish my design for friday so this'll be a temporary entry. Yes, I've been both lazy and busy to do my blogs.

'Till the next entry.

This is Ronn signing off..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I haven't blogged for such a looooong time. My last blog entry was June 15, 2010, almost a year ago. I'll be going on an out of town trip for the weekend waaaay up North of Luzon. Hopefully, I'll be able to blog about something decent by then.

'Till the next entry.

This is Aaron signing off.