Thursday, July 2, 2009

Signin in...

10-day Holiday (quarantine) until July 1 ended with unfinished homeworks, an incomplete portfolio and compilation, a sore throat and having made a budget deck in my most beloved TCG.

Finals exams on History of Architecture and Built Environment went better than expected;nearly perfecting one exam. It was a 'yellow trash bin' that stood between me and that 100 in Built Environment. Remember, yellow trash bin is used for toxic waste. History, well, could've been exempted if i just passed a complete portfolio but, decided to take the exam and got a 100%. Not bad eh? Verdict is to be given tomorrow.

Only passsed 1 out of 5 quizzes in Engineering Mechanics, so I'm screwed. A quiz tomorrow, a pre-final exam on sunday, finals on tuesday. Hope i make it through this one.

11:15 in my signing off..

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